Shahin Omarov expresses gratitude to the participants of the Albanian folklore ensemble "Ruzho averdy" and its leader, Jeanne Bereza, as well as to the head of the Zaporozhye branch of the public organization "Union of Albanians of Ukraine" Vladislav Ilch



Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania Shahin Omarov took part in the solemn opening of the X International Children's Television Festival "Dytytko"



Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania in Kharkіv Shahin Omarov held a meeting with the Director of the Consular Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania Guri Selmani



Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania in Kharkov Shahin Omarov held a meeting with the Director of the Department for Europe and Central Asia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania Ledia Hysi



Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania in Kharkіv Shahin Omarov held a meeting with the Director of the Department of International Organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania Sokol Joka



Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania in Kharkiv Shahin Omarov held a meeting with the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania Mimosa Halimi



Happy Independence Day, Ukraine!



Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania in Kharkiv Shahin Omarov took part in the III International Assembly of the cities-partners of Kharkiv



The Kharkіv Mayor Gennady Kernes presented Gratitude to the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania in Kharkіv Shahin Omarov



Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania in Kharkiv Shahin Omarov took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the first anniversary of the opening of the Kharkiv office of Turkish Airlines



Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania in Kharkiv Shahin Omarov held a reception of citizens



The Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania in Kharkiv and the Assistant Consul Elvin Omarov took part in the I territorial team competitions among the consular offices and workers of foreign representations of Kharkiv



Postal Address

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Albania in Kharkiv
61070, 1, Ac.Proskury str.,
Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Tel / Fax

Tel.: +38(057) 717-79-33
Tel./fax: +38(057) 719-93-36


Opening Times

Monday to Friday
09:00 - 17:00