Information for Business
Information for business
Dear guests of the website of the Honorary Consulate! Information for potential investors.
We draw your attention to the fact that today Albania is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. The country shows economic growth of 3.9% in 2020, trade growth in 2018 was 7.03%, compared with a world trade growth rate of 3.50%. Significant improvement was reflected in the sectors: energy, tourism, agriculture, manufacturing. The unemployment rate has been steadily declining, from 13.8% in 2017 to 12.4% in 2018. In 2020 the american business and financial services company Moody’s established a long-term credit rating for Albania - B1 Stable. Ease of doing business index, changed Albania position from 120th place in 2007 to 63rd place in 2019. In June 2014 Albania received the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union. And many reforms are in the process of being implemented.
There are many potential areas for investment, from industrial areas and resource extraction to services and tourism.
Albania offers a very friendly legislation as regards to foreign investors. The Law “On Foreign Investments” is based on the principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination and protection of the foreign investments. According to the Law:
There are no limitations in the share of foreign participation in Albanian companies and 100% foreign ownership is possible
Foreign investors have the right to expatriate all funds and contributions of their investment, in kind
They are permitted and treated based on conditions not less favorable than those afforded to domestic investments in similar circumstances, except land ownership, which is regulated by special law
In any case, foreign investments are not treated any less favourably than foreseen by generally accepted norms of international law
A company with foreign investment participation has the right to employ foreign citizens as well
Foreign investments are protected by law from direct or indirect expropriation or nationalization measures, except for special cases defined by law in the interest of public use
In all cases and at any time, investments are treated equally and impartially, and enjoy complete protection and security.
Interested investors are invited to interact with the government and dialogue towards a potential tender process.
For more iformation
In accordance with the law "On Commercial Companies", a foreign investor has the opportunity to conduct business in Albania through such organizational and legal forms of companies as:
Limited liability company (Shpk)
Joint Stock Company (Sha)
Branch office
Limited liability company (Shpk) is the most common type of closed company in Albania, which is characterized as follows: it can be established by one or more participants. The minimum allowed share capital required for the establishment of Shpk is only ALL 100 (approximately USD 0.99 or EUR 0.72). The company can be transformed into a partnership with unlimited or limited liability.
The net profit of a branch office of a foreign company (total profit minus income tax) can be transferred abroad without withholding other taxes, such as dividend tax.
To register a company in the Commercial Register of Albania, the following documents are required:
For the company: Application to the District Court signed by the directors of the new company in the presence of a notary. Proof of payment of share capital.
For a branch office: Memorandum of Association and documents of incorporation of the parent company with all additions and changes. Statement from the Commercial Register, reflecting the registration of the parent company in the national register, as well as confirmation that the parent company is not bankrupt and does not have debenture and debt obligations in the country of its registration. Composition of the board of directors. Decision of the board of directors or other management structure specified in the founding documents of the parent company to establish a branch office in Albania and appoint a branch manager. Proof of payment of the initial funding amount (not statutory, but in practice not less than 810 euros). Application to the District Court of Albania, signed by an authorized representative of the branch office.
If the above documents are received or executed abroad in a foreign language, they must be legalized through Apostille by the competent authorities of the country of origin into Albanian.
Income tax in Albania is 20%, payable as prepayment on a monthly basis during the first 15 days of each month, and is finally brought in line with the company's profit at the end of the fiscal year.
For communication, please contact:
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Albania in Kharkov
61070, Kharkov, st. Ak. Proskury, 1.,
tel .: + 38057-719-93-36, tel. mob .: + 38093-14-14-777. e-mail: