The memory of soldiers-internationalists was honored in Kharkiv.


February 15, 2016 near the monument to the Kharkiv Soldier, who died in Afghanistan, the ceremony of commemoration of soldiers-internationalists and laying of flowers on the occasion of the official date - the Day of honoring the combatants in other states was held. With his words were Deputy Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration Mikhail Chernyak, First Deputy Head of Kharkiv Regional Council Victor Kovalenko, Deputy mayor of Kharkiv Svetlana Gorbunova-Ruban, as well as the head of the Kharkiv Regional Union of Afghan Veterans Vladimir Ryzhkov. Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania in the city of Kharkiv Shahin Omarov also laid the bouquet. The event was attended by participants of military operations on the territory of other states, relatives of the victims, representatives of veterans' organizations, and the general public.

Reference: According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine of February 11, 2004, in Ukraine every year February 15th the "Day of honoring the combatants in other states." is celebrated. During the Afghan war about 2,500 troops from the territory of Ukraine were killed.

Postal Address

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Albania in Kharkiv
61070, 1, Ac.Proskury str.,
Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Tel / Fax

Tel.: +38(057) 717-79-33
Tel./fax: +38(057) 719-93-36


Opening Times

Monday to Friday
09:00 - 17:00