Assistant to the Honorary Consul of Albania Omarov Elvin took part in the solemn celebration of the anniversary - the 100th anniversary of the founding of the State Department of Ukraine on Religions and Nationalities


On November 16, 2018 in the Column Hall of the National Philharmonic of Ukraine, the solemn celebration of the anniversary - the 100th anniversary of the founding of the State Department of Ukraine on Religions and Nationalities has taken place.

To celebrate the jubilee the Holy Patriarch of Kiev and whole Rus-Ukraine Filaret, Patriarchal vicar, Metropolitan of Pereyaslavsky and Belotserkovsky Epiphanius, the Patriarch of Kiev Patriarchy, Archbishop of Vyshgorodsky, the Patriarch of the Patriarchate, the Patriarch of the Kyiv Patriarchate, Archbishop Vyshgorodsky came on the celebrations. Chairman of the SMMC Metropolitan Cherkassky and Chigirinsky Iohan, Chief Executive of the Kyiv Patriarchate, Archbishop of Vyshgorod Agapit, Bishop of Uzhgorod and Transcarpathian Varsonofy and invited clergy. In addition, the event was attended by representatives of government bodies, the diplomatic corps, scholars, church and public figures and leaders of organizations representing national minorities.

The current Department is the successor of 4 ministries that operated during the UNR, Hetman and Directory, - confessions, Polish affairs, Jewish affairs and Great Russian affairs. The tradition of the state body on religious affairs was not interrupted for 100 years.


Postal Address

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Albania in Kharkiv
61070, 1, Ac.Proskury str.,
Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Tel / Fax

Tel.: +38(057) 717-79-33
Tel./fax: +38(057) 719-93-36


Opening Times

Monday to Friday
09:00 - 17:00